Russia have a long good Relationship with Africa in past during the Soviet Union,as Africans studied with Russian Scholarship and good cheap Russian Goods were sold directly by Russian manufacturing Companies to directly to Africans like Lada Motor Cars etc,which largely created good mutual understanding, cooperation and Relationships,which which Putin inherited and ruined during Putin long stay in KGB and his later Governance which Putin could not continue.
Although,West ruin and underdeveloped Africa,but Putin led leadership did nothing till this new propaganda.
In 1960s,1970s,1980s & 1990s when Nigeria was attempting to build & acquire Steel Production and technology,US$ Billions were used &* lost when Russia either uncompleted or abandoned Nigeria Steels' Projects,which indirectly in connivance with British Queen led Imperialists controlled Fulani Extremists to cause Steel projects' failure,uncompleted,Sabotage & projects' wastage in Nigeria,Zaire DRC,other African Countries etc,which were handled by Soviet Union,now Russia,although West did so many wrongs in Africa,but these African Projects were uncompleted or abandoned.which marred our African Efforts to develop and product as expected.
Putin during his Boss in KGB negated our efforts and Russia negated & abandoned during long time Putin Regime in Russia and his latest campaign is politics,using distressed Africa as political tool for Putin world politics,please leave Africa alone or send Russian Scholarships and some cheap Russian Goods directly to Africa, as in 1970s without Agent.
Russia Vladimir Putin, as a groomed voodoo political/economic crisis Expert and as a KGB trained Con Artist Expert/KGB insecurity crisis Expert.Huge Migrant Crisis,Trump induced Trade Tariff Economic Conflict/Crisis and Far Right/White Extremist Political Instability confronting West & US with its Allies nowadays,have testified Russia Vladimir Putin, as a groomed voodoo political/economic Crisis Expert and as a KGB trained Con Artist Expert/KGB insecurity Crisis Expert.
Analysts were of opinion that Putin Russia KGB Elements/NGOs secretly organized, sponsored & tele-guided Stranded Mediterranean sea Migrants and Stranded US-Mexico border Migrants, as technical analysis or careful studies of some years back Migrants,could show that past migrants were resourceful, matured & well knowledgeable than present youthful migrants,as many present migrant do not have the required Resources or Maturity & traveling know-how,as to leave their various Countries,in order to be able to reach either Mediterranean sea or US-Mexico Border.
Putin migrant problematic Designs were created to inflate US or West with large Refugee Complex Problem and to create migrant unsolvable situation where US or West is portrayed in bad Media light as inhuman or not caring.
Western Securities/Agents should be on field, as to counter and checkmate this Putin Russia Migrant Crisis program as quickly as possible.
Putin led Russia Kremlin/KGB Hardliners accused US with its Western Allies for the collapse of former Soviet Union Republics,whereby Putin with his Cohorts strategically nurtured & sponsored European Far Right Chauvinists/White Extremists and US White Extremist Conservatives,as to create Racial Divide Crisis, inflate Racial Inequalities, Economic Disharmony & to segregate US various Races/Classes from US flourishing Economy.
Trump led Extremist Republicans after saying that Obama 8 years were disastrous,but upon Trump Office assumption, they asserted that Jobs were being created and the US Economy was turned around and is now performing, while the smallest Economy takes 2 years,to be able to turn it around.
Visit these published Articles' websites.
Mazi Patrick O.,
email: akwaba2000@gmail.com
Thinker, Writer, Political Strategist, Historian & Psychoanalyst.
As to publish our literal work,pls you/your company can assist us with anything.
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