Friday, December 13, 2019
Mr. Jeremy Corbyn led UK Labor Party, should stand firm, maintain & defend the Truth,despite Labor electoral Defeat/loss.

Thursday, December 5, 2019
The UK inherited Electoral Votes’ Scheming***against UK Labor/Liberals with its Affiliates,, Be Warned, Be Aware,as to avoid any Queen led Imperialists’ expectant UK Voting

NATO summit: Leaders arrive at Buckingham Palace for event hosted by the Queen & no Prince Andrew. Epstein's purported madam now a focus in sex abuse cases.

Monday, November 11, 2019
Now,Europe is faced with the past Slave History and past caused past resources/labor Exploitation,as Migrants that are legalized, started in past as undocumented or unregistered Migrants.

Sunday, November 10, 2019
The BREXIT without EU Agreement when implemented, can cause UK an unforeseen Economic Recession, National Disunity and disorientation with the EU.

Sunday, November 3, 2019
Experts opined that Putin secret Top Brass KGB in partnership with Trump & some top US Personnel tactically planned & killed the late ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and destroyed/Bombed ISIS Leader's Compounds .

Sunday, October 27, 2019
Although,West ruin and underdeveloped Africa,but Putin led leadership did nothing till this new Putin political African propaganda.edited

Friday, October 25, 2019
Although,West ruin and underdeveloped Africa,but Putin led leadership did nothing till this new propaganda.

Saturday, August 31, 2019
Unless General Buhari’s family & Col.Hameed Ali family with Fulani Hegemony quickly secretly settle the Asian Rice/food Merchants led by Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha,a Thai,UK Leicester Football Club Owner.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Queen chatting Hausa with Buhari fluently during the State UK Visit..

Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Queen chatting Hausa with Buhari smoothly during UK Visit..

Monday, August 5, 2019
Buhari operate a feudal Security & feudal medieval Regime,devoid of all ethnic inputs inclusion and all Stakeholders consultative inclusion,which must lead to anarchy/disaster.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
From 2020,more havoc,will be unleashed upon distressed Nigerians by these individually promised presidential candidate,in attempt to use them,which Buhari likes.edited

Monday, July 22, 2019
From 2020,more havoc,will be unleashed upon distressed Nigerians by these promised presidential candidate,in attempt to use them,which Buhari liked.

Monday, July 8, 2019
Igbo needed a strong advisory Managerial Igbo States' sponsored Institution with Igbo Vanguards or Vigilante legally tagged Igbo Youth.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Nigerians are not passionately asking for any illegal Bakassi or local tribal vanguards, but Rich/Prominent to donate some licensed Arm to be distributed.
We as Nigerians are not passionately asking for any illegal Bakassi or local tribal vanguards, but Rich/Prominent to donate some licensed Arm to be distributed for credible Retirees for their Communal Self Defense.
For Clarity, Nigerians are not passionately asking for any illegal Bakassi Boys Vigilante as initiated by Igbo Governors, rather we are simply soliciting for Igbo Communities with Other Nigeria affected Communities to task their wealthy, prominent, Elected Politicians, Oversea Based people, Chieftaincy Title Holders, to be asked to donate some reasonable Numbers of State licensed double barrel Guns or alternatively, we are asking for State licensed Farmer’s English Rifles and Igbo State Governors, Senators, Federal/State Representatives to donate Licensed Guns to Communities within the their elected Areas. The quantity of Arm donation, to be determined & assessed, based on each person’s personal valuation by the concerned Community.
There is no time in which we are asking for any illegitimate Bakassi Boys Vigilante, which are diversionary tactic of Igbo Governors who are merely Core North stooge and their fraudulent ways of siphoning the State Treasury.
Rich/Prominent should donate some licensed Arm to be distributed for credible Retirees for their Communal Self Defense.
British Majesty via Her Crony Imperialists with its Western Exploitative Collaborators led Fulani to tactically loot, ruin & unleash Mayhem on helpless Nigerians, but now each Igbo Community to task its Rich/Prominent to donate licensed Arm for their Communal Self Defense.
Igbo People with other concerned improvised weak Nigerian Communities must not allow this Power drunk devilish Fulani to use their illegal trained and well equipped Army as Herdsmen, as to brutalize quiet peaceful rural Nigerian communities.
Also, there is other Fulani design being carried by the States' Authority as to weaken Igbos, since Igbo are termed as Stubborn and to avoid other Nigerians copying its Resilience. The imposing of obnoxious levies/fees, hostility and imposing crude regulatory laws on helpless surviving Igbos in non-Igbo Nigerian Cities, which tantamount to committing Atrocity against Igbo.
For Poverty, Hunger, failed infrastructures as to weaken Nigeria, Gay dehumanization imposition as to disgrace Elite, Fulani imposing their stooge elected Representatives on Nigeria to enhance false Representation & miss-governance for continual Nigeria underdevelopment and further to looting, siphoning and with the force, Caliphate Alimony were collected, which are remitted to the Secret Arewa Oversea Accounts, being managed by her majesty led British Imperialists with its ally western exploitative Collaborators.
Now, we leave our Hope on Almighty God to man handle those who treated helpless Nigerians as mere Subjects not Citizens with no Right & welfare and God must cause those who have perpetuated these Evil, Hunger, Underdevelopments, crisis and looting Treasury, which have caused State infrastructures' failure and Nigeria to stand as quasi failed State, with fourth Generation Cause to be placed, upon their offspring as contained in the African Religion, Bible & Quran.
Since, wealthy Igbos, prominent Igbos, Elected Igbo Politicians, Oversea Based Igbos, Chieftaincy Title Holders, must be ordered to donate some State licensed double barrel Guns by Governors and Igbo State Governors, Senators, Federal/State Representatives to donate Licensed Guns to their Communities within their elected Areas. The quantity of Arm donation, to be determined & assessed on each person’s personal valuation by the concerned Community.
The aftermath engagement of Fulani empowered Cronies or its wealthy Stooges as to distract Public with their usual aged unnecessary noisy dialogues or News conference outburst, which Fulani used to showcase that Fulani Hegemony is above board, lawless and fear nobody or group & to cow the affected Communities/Tribe. Please, to avoid any initiation of toothless peaceful Settlement Committee, which is not a peaceful resolution result oriented Agenda, but a Fulani decoy to calm situation down and to distract Public from arming themselves for future Mayhem Re-occurrence.
Mazi Patrick,
Thinker, Writer, Historian & Psychoanalyst..
Rich/Prominent should donate some licensed Arm to be distributed for credible Retirees for their Communal Self Defense.
Rich/Prominent should donate some licensed Arm to be distributed for credible Retirees for their Communal Self Defense.
British Majesty via Her Crony Imperialists with its Western Exploitative Collaborators led Fulani to tactically loot, ruin & unleash Mayhem on helpless Nigerians, but now each Igbo Community to task its Rich/Prominent to donate licensed Arm for their Communal Self Defense.
Igbo People with other concerned improvised weak Nigerian Communities must not allow this Power drunk devilish Fulani to use their illegal trained and well equipped Army as Herdsmen, as to brutalize quiet peaceful rural Nigerian communities.
Also, there is other Fulani design being carried by the States' Authority as to weaken Igbos, since Igbo are termed as Stubborn and to avoid other Nigerians copying its Resilience. The imposing of obnoxious levies/fees, hostility and imposing crude regulatory laws on helpless surviving Igbos in non-Igbo Nigerian Cities, which tantamount to committing Atrocity against Igbo.
For Poverty, Hunger, failed infrastructures as to weaken Nigeria, Gay dehumanization imposition as to disgrace Elite, Fulani imposing their stooge elected Representatives on Nigeria to enhance false Representation & miss-governance for continual Nigeria underdevelopment and further to looting, siphoning and with the force, Caliphate Alimony were collected, which are remitted to the Secret Arewa Oversea Accounts, being managed by her majesty led British Imperialists with its ally western exploitative Collaborators.
Now, we leave our Hope on Almighty God to man handle those who treated helpless Nigerians as mere Subjects not Citizens with no Right & welfare and God must cause those who have perpetuated these Evil, Hunger, Underdevelopments, crisis and looting Treasury, which have caused State infrastructures' failure and Nigeria to stand as quasi failed State, with fourth Generation Cause to be placed, upon their offspring as contained in the African Religion, Bible & Quran.
Since, wealthy Igbos, prominent Igbos, Elected Igbo Politicians, Oversea Based Igbos, Chieftaincy Title Holders, must be ordered to donate some State licensed double barrel Guns by Governors and Igbo State Governors, Senators, Federal/State Representatives to donate Licensed Guns to their Communities within their elected Areas. The quantity of Arm donation, to be determined & assessed on each person’s personal valuation by the concerned Community.
The aftermath engagement of Fulani empowered Cronies or its wealthy Stooges as to distract Public with their usual aged unnecessary noisy dialogues or News conference outburst, which Fulani used to showcase that Fulani Hegemony is above board, lawless and fear nobody or group & to cow the affected Communities/Tribe. Please, to avoid any initiation of toothless peaceful Settlement Committee, which is not a peaceful resolution result oriented Agenda, but a Fulani decoy to calm situation down and to distract Public from arming themselves for future Mayhem Re-occurrence.
Mazi Patrick,
Thinker, Writer, Historian & Psychoanalyst..
The Jos Crisis will continue until State Government arm its local people as to be able to defend themselves when invaded by Fulani.
The Jos Crisis will continue until State Government arm its local people as to be able to defend themselves when invaded by North led Power Hegemony who used Jos crisis as to mock Gen Gowon rtd and other retired Security Officers who are majority of Plateau Natives
Panacea to forestall future ethnic/religious Violence in Plateau/Middle Belt Nigeria, avoid Non Natives elective/political Participation.
Panacea to forestall future ethnic/religious or political Violence in Plateau State Nigeria and other area in Middle Belt Nigeria.
Since, similar violent event, which started from firstly Igbos/Easterners in the Northern Nigeria at different times and places, later shifted to kaduna Capital of Kaduna State, where the Hegemony organize/sponsored Violence, was firstly launched at Kaduna Natives, as it is part of Core North Hegemony design to write off or make the Kaduna Natives as nothings politically despite their bulk presence in the Nigeria Military/Security Services and in State/Federal Government, with their gained educational Advantage from their long associated Christianity.
Later, Violent Hegemony Agenda was technically shifted to Jos the Capital of Plateau State Nigeria, a State known for its bulk human resources contribution to the Nigeria Military/Security Agencies and all Governmental Bodies and with reasonable number of retired top security Officers.
But The Nigeria Chief Of Army Staff with his fellow man/tribesman, the GOC of Nigeria Army Brigade in Jos, who is not supposed to be posted, for a tribal security reason but was posted there for some reason, best known to Army Chief and GOC remained passive during ethnic Violence,while all the Jos elitist tried to call GOC/Army unsuccessfully before and during the violence, which are now being denied.
Whereas Governor with other prominent people from Plateau state, were calling each other, alerting the Nigerians and the World through modern GSM Facility, evidently with records from GSM Sets can provide much evidences to prove that Military concerned Officers, were called.
The GSM phone Hand Sets which have features to store Records and Network providers and even Satellite providers to Nigeria Networks,can even track down signals for calls/texts through the GSM technology and this, can provide the needed evidence,but if the concerned Officers compromised, by not taking required action to forestall the Violence, Military should sanction against them as to polarize Military. Also, if the GSM Providers failed in their official obligatory requirement in providing the GSM transmission report for calls/texts, since the Hegemony whose business Cronies control Nigeria GSM Business Empire, can assert their influence on the GSM Providers, using technical reason not furnish the
transmission report needed, to find the truth of what transpired during Jos violence.
There should be unwritten and generalized inherit Native Rules to forebide all non Natives in Middle Belt States from participating,contesting and seeking for any local, State and Federal elective Posts or positions belonging to Middle Belt States, as to avoid another
further, the Core North Power Hegemony use of violent Strategy and destructive Agenda to kill, intimidate and cause wanton mayhem, while the Middle Belt Elite should be very careful with their associating with the Hegemony with their Cronies from different parts of Nigeria/Foreigners, as not to be toxin-ed or expose to their Cyanide programmed poisoning, which is medically not curable, except reduction by arsenic healing blood filtration process of gradually removing different degree cyanide poison or other administered toxins.
Where is the retired General Gowon and Chief Solomon Lar, with their false and Core North political campaign of calumny of Sir Ahmadu Bello Legacy and does the Legacy not containing Christian or Native Northerners or is it purely a Hegemony slogan of false Northern unity or Agenda for the Cabal to seek presidency, since those Sir Ahmadu Bello people have ruled and ruined Nigeria, including North without trying to develop the inherited Northern Legacy or are they simply playing to Nigeria political/Media gallery.
It is imperative to note that then, was Kaduna riot/violence, followed by Jukun/Tiv tribal conflict/fighting, which Research posited that it was cited by Hegemony, as to create ethnic disharmony. Bauchi and Tafarwa Balewa/Native environs witnessed some violence, primarily the organization/sponsorship were linked to Bauchi Governor, while Jos have witnessed severely violence from time to time, based on Hegemony political calculation/Agenda and later, the violence will shift to Minna for real battle of supremacy where non Native influential Generals and Elite reside and their strategy to battle for supremacy among weak and non coordinated Natives.
For no security reason and since Military/security appointments during Yar’dua regime is highly tribalised, politicized and polarized, with organized Media falsehood and Hegemony Propaganda, as Nigeria state witnesses unbalanced Federation and mismatch ministerial appointment, non completion of any federal meaningful Project, Program and Policy, as Media is positioned to fool Nigeria and North that the best is happening and look everywhere in Nigeria, there is no project being completed or Policy implementation, whether good or bad, as Policy implementation bring about job creation.
It make common sense that the Plateau Govt should procure and distribute licensed double barrel Guns to Plateau State credible citizens for their self defense, since the Military and Security whom have labored, could not come to their rescue during
violent crisis.
It was during Obasanjo 1976-9179 tenure, late General Shehu Yar’dua a moderate Fulani and an icon offered his secret advice that IBB and Abacha should be dispensed, if Obasanjo led SMC, desire Nigeria to witness desired and expectant peace and development, but late Sultan of Sokoto Sadiq heard it and persuaded Obasanjo led SMC, not to dispose them, those who begged for them, were late compensated through
Sokoto Emirate dethronement of Maccido, late died in plane bombed accident, Shagaria was now compensated through PDP Sokoto State election cancellation through the Cabal controlled Judiciary and received theirs, through poisoning and fraudulent generated scandal and people infected with incurable illness.
The same Obasanjo led SMC promoted IBB to full colonel and Abacha to Lt-Colonel, ironically it is the same gang that used fathom coup to detain Shehu and Obasanjo,Shehu died and OBJ narrowly escaped, to become the Nigeria President 1999-2007,with the cabal well organized and sponsored ethnic Separatists/Agitators and Militants whose their violent groups engaged, preoccupied and diminished Obasanjo Administration and reduced its ability and desire to deliver much better developments and policy, while such groups slowdown their activities upon the Musa Yar’dua emergence, from cabal signal that he is in control. Now Musa Yardua is either dead or alive but kidnapped. The truth will be folded in future as those playing unknown scripts, will later discovered that they are fooled beyond their imagination and know-how.
According to some researches, there is an assumption that 80% of Nigerian Elite do not die, due to natural causes, as their appointments or contracts or businesses are tactical terminated by the cabal led sadist feudal Hegemony who felt that their service or present, are no longer necessary or alternatively different degree of cyanide poisoning or organized toxin rubbing or food/drink toxin additives.
There is sources that Cabal has stationed Malian/Nigerien special military trained killers’ squads, who effectively combined occultist spiritualism with marabous to kill prominent Nigerians without trace and no investigation can unearth their killing and to portray Nigeria security Agencies as failures.
While Cabal through its cronies and agents to campaign and coarse the Owners/Chairmen of foreign/local Corporate Bodies, Churches, big Businesses and top governmental appointees and those seeking elective post and contractors, to pay cabal homage as to pay cabal imposed protectionist fees through Cabal cronies’ business empires or to sleep a day in Minna and to shave off eyebrow hair as mark of their submission to Cabal led hegemony and let Nigeria and North that everything in world know, has consequence or retribution from God, Nature and Allah.
Visit these published Articles’ websites.
Mazi Patrick O.,
email: akwaba2000@gmail.com
Thinker, Writer, Political Strategist, Historian & Psychoanalyst.
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